ATTENDEES: Members, Speakers, and Guests
1. President's Message
2. Presentation: Asset Protection Workshop
Guest Speaker: Brad Barth, Esq. of Barth Calderon Attorneys, LLP
Protect Your Property From Predators, Creditors, Liens, and Judgments!
If you own property, then you are a target for an unforeseen lawsuit which can lead to an attack on your property and other personal assets.
Join us as highly regarded asset protection planning expert Brad Barth delivers an eye-opening talk for property owners.
Attendees will learn:
• How to guard your personal assets from a legal attack originating from your property.
• How Limited Liability Companies work and the common mistakes people make when setting them up.
• Why California may NOT be the best jurisdiction for your LLC and how to use more favorable jurisdictions.
• Where lawsuits typically originate and how to prepare yourself BEFORE someone sues you.
• The difference between your business and personal assets when it comes to a lawsuit.
• The California laws that are unfavorable to owners and how to “opt out” of them.
• The favorable IRS tax rules when it comes to LLC’s.
• Why your estate plan needs to be integrated with an asset protection plan.
• How to pass property to beneficiaries in the most efficient and tax advantaged way.